Non-Invasive Treatments: What No One Is Talking About

Sometimes it seems like the best way to guess a person’s age is by how much medicine they take daily. This system is not perfect, as some people start medications early in life, but we all seem to accumulate pills and creams as we age. That is why it can be a relief to discover an application that can be used for multiple health disorders.

Alexa, a 58-year-old woman from Texas, United States, has suffered from type 2 diabetes for more than 6 years. She has been taking multiple medications and treatments such as inhibitors, metformin, pain relievers and antibiotics for her diabetic foot wound. After discovering D’OXYVA, a non-invasive application that significantly helped with her pain and wound management after 5 weeks of twice-daily application, she shared that she saved so much when she started decreasing the intake of other medications and avoided a possible amputation just by using this non-invasive application.

D’OXYVA, for example, can be applied for a variety of conditions related to poor circulation. This multi-application product helps consumers save money, space, and time while simplifying everyday life.

Here are a few things about non-invasive treatments that people seem unwilling to discuss.

#1 What Exactly Are Non-Invasive Treatments?

In layman’s terms, non-invasive treatments do not break the skin or enter beyond the surface of body openings. Invasive treatments include surgery and injections. Because the needles actually penetrate the skin, acupuncture is also considered an invasive procedure. Certain procedures may be considered minimally invasive if they do not penetrate deeply into the body or only require a small incision.

Non-invasive procedures include massage and gas delivery systems such as D’OXYVA.

#2 Why Non-Invasive Procedures Might Be Better

By nature, an invasive procedure can be hazardous. Even under a doctor’s care, for example, minimally invasive surgical procedures carry risks (Mayo Clinic). Patients can experience unforeseen complications related to anesthesia, infections, or bleeding. While these risks are mitigated with less serious regular treatments, any invasive procedure carries the potential for infections or bleeding complications.

While you should always trust your medical professional’s advice, many non-invasive treatments can be safer. Most doctors will attempt to find the least invasive, most effective treatment.

#3 Many Disease Can Have a Common Cause

Although the human body contains many different cells and functional systems, most of them share the same basic processes. For example, every cell in the body depends on a healthy circulation system to receive nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, when a person has circulation problems, it can manifest as a number of issues. Your doctor may be able to recommend one product like D’OXYVA for multiple circulation-related issues.

Examples of Circulation Related Issues

  • Slow-healing wounds, especially those related to diabetes or other cardiovascular issues
  • Septic shock related to a severe infection or a compromised immune system
  • Many forms of chronic pain
  • Varicose veins and other blemishes



D’OXYVA is the only fully noninvasive, completely painless over-the-skin microcirculatory and nerve stimulant solution that has been validated to significantly improve microcirculation. The improvement of microcirculation, i.e., blood flow to the smallest blood vessels, benefits one’s health, immune system and overall sense of well-being in a variety of ways.

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Why Use D'OXYVA?

World-renowned health experts say D’OXYVA® can help patients find relief especially from the most severe and complex underlying conditions in a few weeks. According to overwhelming medical data, people with preexisting conditions, including diabetes, autoimmune, and cardiovascular complications could greatly benefit from improved microcirculation, tissue perfusion, and autonomic nervous system functions.

D’OXYVA significantly helps people and their pets by gently and quickly spraying a patented and patent-pending ultra-purified, supersaturated solution on the skin surface to achieve major health benefits for well over 90% of users. Experts call D’OXYVA a game-changer biotech.

Studies with D’OXYVA have shown unmatched results in noninvasive wound care. Anyone with an underlying condition should know this option is available.

Dr. Michael McGlamry